Thursday, 6 October 2011

Quest University, the Oceanfront and jobs

I spent the day today at Quest University at the Impact99 workshop. It is simply one of the most beautiful settings for a University I have ever seen. Yesterday, at the Squamish Chamber of Commerce luncheon, guest speaker Toran Savjord, Vice President Operations & Development at Quest U, touched on some of the successes, unique educational model and exciting things to come at Quest U.

One thing that struck me, and was a theme in a meeting we had with Pat Bell, BC Minister for Jobs, Tourism and Innovation, last week at UBCM, is the economic impact of education. For every 4-5 foreign student in BC, 1 job is created. Quest's case in point: there about 350 students and 87 employees at Quest. Toran expects an additional 12 employees by next year.

The Oceanfront development has a significant education quadrant planned. And with expansion of Capilano U in the next 10 years and Quest's continuing evolution, education will continue to be one of our most important economic drivers.

As rezoning of these lands gets closer to reality [Council is expecting first and second reading in a few weeks], we need to focus our attention on what educational facility can best compliment our oceanfront and our community, and make it happen.


  1. Has Cap U or Quest committed to using this very space - and if not - who are the candidates?

  2. There were discussions with Cap U but they have not proceeded. I'd love to see an Emily Carr Campus, or maybe a trades university. It could be a satellite campus of Beijing University...who knows. It will be a spectacular site for a learning centre. Any ideas?
